Monday, December 1, 2008

pros and cons of imperialism in africa

Pros about imperialism

  1. Modernization
  2. New crops introduced
  3. Education
  4. Europe gained resources from Africa
  5. America gained a solid workforce
  6. Boosted economy
  7. Health care introduced
  8. Stable government enforced
  9. Sea ports
  10. Improved transportation systems
cons about imperialism
  1. Rwandan genocide
  2. Slavery
  3. If natives didn't agree, they were killed
  4. Culture destroyed
  5. People separated by slavery
  6. Basic rights taken away
  7. Cheated out of property
  8. Whipped and chained
  9. Natural resources taken away

Thursday, November 20, 2008

news article #3

East Africa has a current population of about 24 million people and it is one of the least urbanized (people living in cities) regions in the world. Major changes are expects. By the year 2030, not only will the population increase dramatically, but the about half the population will be living in cities. This is a huge change. This growth could be a huge opportunity for the countries of east Africa but it will require solid governing and strategic planning.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

east africa today

Africa today is very different than it was when it was colonized in the 1700's. For instance the economies of Tanzania and Kenya rely heavily on tourism, though Kenya also has some geothermal power to help it along. Two of the most densely populated countries (Rwanda and Burundi) have a violent history of genocide between the Tutsi and the Hutu. Sudan has a 40% population of Arab Muslims that have most of the political power and have control over the northern part of Sudan and its capitol. The group seized power though, by mass genocide of black Sudanese. Uganda is a majorly agricultural country with coffee as its major export. The countries on the horn of Africa (Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia and Djibouti) have unique story too. Ethiopia was one of the two countries never colonized by a European power. Its mountains provided both shelter from attack and fertile volcanic soil for agriculture. Eritrea was part of Ethiopia until 1993 and now relies on tourism and cotton for economic support. Somalia is a dry land of chaos. There is no mayor government except for various tribes fighting over the capitol and port cities such as Mogadishu. Djibouti is a small desert country controlled by the French until 1977 causing the two official languages to be French and Arabian. There are two major ethnic groups: the Isa and the Afar. The Somali resembling Isa and the Ethiopia resembling Afar, finally made peace in 2001.

Monday, November 17, 2008

imperialism cartoon

What are the main visual elements? The main visual elements are a map of Africa and a large footprint.

What issue is this political cartoon about? This cartoon is about imperialism. I believe the large footprint has been left by the European powers that occupied Africa.

What is the cartoonist’s opinion on this issue? I think the cartoonist thinks the Europeans have crushed Africa and really changed the country.

What evidence in the cartoon supports your opinion? The large size and the depth of the footprint left on the land support my opinion. Also the cracks show how damaging the impact is.

What other techniques could the cartoonist have used to make this cartoon more persuasive? The cartoonist could have somehow connected the footprint to Europe. Maybe a made in Europe imprint could have been left in the mud so you know it is from Europe. Also, the cartoonist could have shown a flattened person or people in the footprint. That would have made cartoon more dramatic.

east africa history

Influences on East Africa included Christianity and Islam, the slave trade, the arrival of Europeans, ethnic conflict and independence.

Islam was the major religion in Egypt and Northern Africa by 700 AD. Missionaries from Egypt brought Christianity to Ethiopia. The Christian emperor, Lalibela, ruled Ethiopia in the early 1200's and built churches.

African were kidnapped, enslaved and ships by other Africans, Arabs and Europeans. Zanzibar island off east Africa became a hub of slave-trading.

By 1800's European countries had divided up most of Africa because instead of slaves they were focused on trade of goods ( gold, ivory, rubber) . Imperialism (a practice that tries to dominate other countries' government, trade, and culture) has had a large impact on east Africa. The European nations were the main users of imperialism in Africa. They forced both their language and their religion on the Africans. As a result of this, many countries' most common language and main religion are similar to the European power that controlled that area.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

the scramble for africa debrief

1) What strategy did you use to claim land? We just tries to roll high on the THREE dice we got.
2) What factors did you consider in claiming land? We looked for countries that were rich with money and oil.
3) Who won the Scramble for Africa? Either Great Britain or Germany. Germany had almost all of the south but Great Britain had a strong hold in the northern latitudes.
4) Who lost in the Scramble for Africa? Us and Netherlands and Belgium. None of us had any meaningful hold on Africa.

Side note: in the recreated map, Spain has no hold in northern Africa, wile in the original, we used almost a whole round to capture the territories under France Netherlands and Portugal.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

news article #2

Many children from the north-coast region of Kenya have stopped going to school because they don’t have enough food or water at home. The school timetables have changed to compensate for this. School no longer has classes in the afternoon. The government is trying to step in and implement a school feeding program and included three new districts.

I am surprised about the predicament they’re in, but understand that, in their current situation, school takes a lower priority than food and water.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

east africa geography

East Africa is a land covered in a variety of different terrains. there is the mountainous country of Kenya for instance, home of Mt. Kilimanjaro. There is the Serengeti planes of Tanzania. Another natural wonder is the great rift valley, stretching through Ethiopia and Tanzania. But east Africa isn't all desert, Africa's climate is varied by location and elevation. There are great fields of growing plants around almost all of Uganda's lakes. There is even the snow caped tops of the mountains for a change of pace. Overall, don't make any assumptions about a continent.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

trusting julius lester

I think we can trust at least some of Julius Lester's work. He used real interviews, he got his book published by a group of editors, he was the professor of African studies at a university, paragraphs are sighted, and he’s well known.

Monday, November 10, 2008

news article #1

According to UNICEF in Ethiopia, there are approximately 5.4 million orphans, and more than a million children have lost one or both parents to HIV/AIDS.
Of those millions of children without families, only a small number of Ethiopian orphans are adopted by foreigners every year. Most kids with any sort of problem will not be adopted.
For 30 years, Ethiopia has been an adoption center for foreigners and prior to 2005, between 500 and 700 orphans were adopted by outsiders. Now the numbers have almost tripled thanks to Angelina Jolie

The Ethiopian government wants to stop international adoptions. They think they should be raised in the Ethiopian culture. Other involved think international adoptions are a good solution.

My reaction:
I didn’t realize there so many orphans in Ethiopia. I understand why the Ethiopian government wants to stop international adoptions, but, in the long run, finding homes for these kids seems like a priority. There is a lot of poverty there and I guess there is not a lot Ethiopians can do for these kids. Many there are other ways kids adopted by foreigners and learn about their culture.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

5 themes of geography

This is the Eiffel tower. The five themes of geography are Location, Latitude: 48º 51' 32" North - Longitude: 002º 17' 45" East - La Tour Eiffel, Champs-De-Mars, Paris 75007, (7e) France - beside seine river, Place, good view, Human Environment Interaction, built by people - , Movement, people come to see it - materials used to build it were moved here, and Region, France.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Violence leads to more violence

The quote "Violence leads to more violence" means, where there is violence, there is more violence. In Julius Caesar, the conspirators killed Caesar (first violence) and the roman citizens then killed the conspirators (more violence). This is human nature. If somebody does violence against you, you need to do violence back at them (to 'get even').

Monday, October 20, 2008

brutus's dilemma

If I were Brutus, I don't think I would chose to kill Cesar. My reasoning is as follows:

  1. He proved himself a good leader many times over.
  2. He proved himself a good general by defeating Pompey.
  3. When he was city counselor he hosted several public events.
  4. He rose to power justly.
  5. He was also 'my' friend.

Monday, October 13, 2008


The qualities of a good leader are: experience, an ability to listen, the ability to say the right thing at the right time, sets a good example and cares about the group more than self. May good leaders have charisma or a certain quality that makes them stand out from the crowd.

In 8th grade, there are not many student leaders. Most of the leadership is from the adult faculty. I guess there is SLAMS as well as people who are active in clubs and may play a leadership role. There are some very popular people, but popularity is not the same as leadership (or it shouldn't be).


When a European country dominates another country, it usually does so by force (militarily, politically, culturally, or economically) . Some of the main reasons are, to obtain resources, land or markets, to control more territory than the other European powers and to convert the natives to their religion.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

End of Quarter 1 Feedback

I think that I successfully achieved my goals for first quarter. I have changed the background of my blog and have (I think) mastered the blogging software.

My goals for second quarter are: 1) Participate more in Socratic seminars 2) Get at least a B+ on all my writing assignments (even if it means rewriting them) 3) To understand any assignment on the day it's given.

Monday, September 22, 2008

fun game

wmode="transparent" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" >


The main visual element is capitalism personified as fat, greedy giant shaking money out of a worker into his money bags. The fat greed giant also represents those who benefit from capitalism. The work represents the exploited workers (child laborer, immigrants, factory workers). I think this cartoon was created to point out the evils of capitalism. The cartoonist obviously thinks capitalism is good for some people, but bad for the actual workers. I think I can safely assume the author is against this aspect of capitalism. The message of the cartoon is also depicted in the text found at the bottom of the cartoon. The cartoon is a parody of Jack and the Beanstock.

Site: image from: Voice

Monday, September 8, 2008

feedback - goals2

My goals were: 1) Master the blogging software, and 2) Become more comfortable with posting assignments on my blog. I think I have met both goals and will be able to work with blogger comfortably for the rest of the year. The only thing i haven't learned yet, is how to customize the background.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

You need to SPEND money to MAKE money

You need to spend money to make money - There is a certain amount of risk with any venture to make money. For instance: you want to produce a Pez-Pod, you need money. You can get it from A. Your money (you have all the risk) B. Get a bank loan (you and the bank both have risks) C. You make limited partnerships (you and your partners all have risks) D. Sell stock to people (you and the stockholders have all the risk).
This risk is created by the possibility of the Pez-Pod failing to sell thus depriving you and anyone who gave you money of your investment. This works with any business. You need to have initial funds in order to do anything at all (except possibly for charity).

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Net Effects of the Industrial Revolution


  1. Products made cheaper and easier to manufacture.

  2. Economic boom.

  3. More jobs to go around (even if they were horrible).

  4. Took America to the forefront of technological advances for the time period.


  1. People were paid little to do lots of work.

  2. Entire families worked including children and only the father got paid.

  3. Pollution increased exponentially.

  4. People were forced to transition from mild farm life to hard factory life.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

cottage industries vs factories

When the class all made 'toys' separately, modeling cottage industries, they all worked quietly, and all made good quality 'toys'. Everyone made one, so together, so not that many were made, but all of them were high quality.
When we all worked in a ‘factory’, everyone was yelling at each other, people were doing various tasks, everyone hated the manager (Shri), Lucas and Nat got fired, several people had tape over their mouths to keep them from talking….Even though there was a state of general chaos, we go about twice as many ‘toys’ done as before, but several of them barely resembled the original. I can see why people interested in profits would chose a factory, and why no one would want to work there.
In comparison, several people making similar products in cottage industries could produce a small amount of high quality products, while the same number of people in a factory, could make several times as many, inferior products, make less money, and have worse working conditions for the same amount of time. The factory is good for investors who just focus on revenue. A cottage industry is better for a worker who wants fair wages, job satisfaction (OK working conditions), and reasonable work.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

description of a messy room

As I entered the room, I was almost throw back by the overwhelming wall of stench wafting from old gym socks left to ferment, the pungent odor of rotting food and random animal droppings from long dead pets. The first thins that hit my eyes like sledgehammers were empty pizza boxes in a stack to rival the empire state building, cloths on the floor that hadn't been worn in months, candy wrappers so old, they had evolved into new life forms, half completed puzzles under feet of dust, there was homework left from before the cold war, old dictionaries that lacked the words E-mail and Quiz, CDs scattered like UFOs trying to capture the wild frontier, and this was just the top layer.
Underneath all this, there were old action hero figures from previous decades, old awards (the Rochester High most organized student award), old magazines with articles about Paul Newman’s first hit movie, old ‘Pac-Man’ game cartridges, pens, pencils, and paper scattered like a hurricane had hit a stationary store and dumped the contents here, old pins saying “Vote Nixon”, graying photos of long forgotten trips to long forgotten places.
And under all the random topsoil of discarded objects rapidly deteriorating, was a knee-deep layer of mulch currently being infested with compost worms consisting of prehistoric snacks, various fossils of animals trapped in the tar pits below, insects in amber, a Viking ship or two incased in ice, and finally, my humanities project. I had been wondering where in my room I had left it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The mother of invention

I think that 'Nececity is the mother of invention' means: Needs bive birth to usefull inventions. for example, Alexander Gram Bell figured it was impractical to send a messenger fo all communications, he invened the telephone in order to fill the need. The same goes for the Wright brothers. the need is the ability to travle log distances quickly and the invention is the airplane. There are several other inventors/inventions that i'm not naming, but the story is the same: need - inventor - invention/soluton.

Monday, August 18, 2008


I learn better auditorally. I can hear a lecture, not make any notes, and memorise the concept. that doesn't mean I can't learn something visually or kinetically. I learn well all three ways.
Strangely, I am a visual spacial person, meaning I can manipulate 3-d shapes in my head. I remember things better if I verbalise them to someone than if I write them down. One thing you can do to make class better, is don't always use my writing to judge how much I know. For example, I would much rather talk about this with you than have to write about it.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


What were two highlights from the first week of school: The highlights of my first week were: 1) Being back in school, and 2) Meeting the new students.

What was your first impression of Humanities: Mfirst impression of humanities is, that I am in for a hard but fun year.

What are two goals you have for this quarter in Humanities? Mgoals are: 1) Master the blogging software, and 2) Become more comfortable with posting assignments on my blog.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

my gang

My gang consists of:

Me: duh,
My dog: because he's fun to be with, highly gratifying, and easily forgiving
My brother: because i can never stay angry at him for long, and he's witty and nice
My mom: because she's nice, supportive, and helps me strive for excellence