Sunday, August 24, 2008

cottage industries vs factories

When the class all made 'toys' separately, modeling cottage industries, they all worked quietly, and all made good quality 'toys'. Everyone made one, so together, so not that many were made, but all of them were high quality.
When we all worked in a ‘factory’, everyone was yelling at each other, people were doing various tasks, everyone hated the manager (Shri), Lucas and Nat got fired, several people had tape over their mouths to keep them from talking….Even though there was a state of general chaos, we go about twice as many ‘toys’ done as before, but several of them barely resembled the original. I can see why people interested in profits would chose a factory, and why no one would want to work there.
In comparison, several people making similar products in cottage industries could produce a small amount of high quality products, while the same number of people in a factory, could make several times as many, inferior products, make less money, and have worse working conditions for the same amount of time. The factory is good for investors who just focus on revenue. A cottage industry is better for a worker who wants fair wages, job satisfaction (OK working conditions), and reasonable work.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

description of a messy room

As I entered the room, I was almost throw back by the overwhelming wall of stench wafting from old gym socks left to ferment, the pungent odor of rotting food and random animal droppings from long dead pets. The first thins that hit my eyes like sledgehammers were empty pizza boxes in a stack to rival the empire state building, cloths on the floor that hadn't been worn in months, candy wrappers so old, they had evolved into new life forms, half completed puzzles under feet of dust, there was homework left from before the cold war, old dictionaries that lacked the words E-mail and Quiz, CDs scattered like UFOs trying to capture the wild frontier, and this was just the top layer.
Underneath all this, there were old action hero figures from previous decades, old awards (the Rochester High most organized student award), old magazines with articles about Paul Newman’s first hit movie, old ‘Pac-Man’ game cartridges, pens, pencils, and paper scattered like a hurricane had hit a stationary store and dumped the contents here, old pins saying “Vote Nixon”, graying photos of long forgotten trips to long forgotten places.
And under all the random topsoil of discarded objects rapidly deteriorating, was a knee-deep layer of mulch currently being infested with compost worms consisting of prehistoric snacks, various fossils of animals trapped in the tar pits below, insects in amber, a Viking ship or two incased in ice, and finally, my humanities project. I had been wondering where in my room I had left it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The mother of invention

I think that 'Nececity is the mother of invention' means: Needs bive birth to usefull inventions. for example, Alexander Gram Bell figured it was impractical to send a messenger fo all communications, he invened the telephone in order to fill the need. The same goes for the Wright brothers. the need is the ability to travle log distances quickly and the invention is the airplane. There are several other inventors/inventions that i'm not naming, but the story is the same: need - inventor - invention/soluton.

Monday, August 18, 2008


I learn better auditorally. I can hear a lecture, not make any notes, and memorise the concept. that doesn't mean I can't learn something visually or kinetically. I learn well all three ways.
Strangely, I am a visual spacial person, meaning I can manipulate 3-d shapes in my head. I remember things better if I verbalise them to someone than if I write them down. One thing you can do to make class better, is don't always use my writing to judge how much I know. For example, I would much rather talk about this with you than have to write about it.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


What were two highlights from the first week of school: The highlights of my first week were: 1) Being back in school, and 2) Meeting the new students.

What was your first impression of Humanities: Mfirst impression of humanities is, that I am in for a hard but fun year.

What are two goals you have for this quarter in Humanities? Mgoals are: 1) Master the blogging software, and 2) Become more comfortable with posting assignments on my blog.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

my gang

My gang consists of:

Me: duh,
My dog: because he's fun to be with, highly gratifying, and easily forgiving
My brother: because i can never stay angry at him for long, and he's witty and nice
My mom: because she's nice, supportive, and helps me strive for excellence