Monday, February 23, 2009


I think that WWIII will break out during my lifetime. I think this will happen because the only major thing preventing war is the UN. I think the UN will not be able to stop a world war if it does break out because I think the war will start similarly to WWI, when a moderately sized conflict gets support from one side and the other, and the UN hasn't been able to stop a lot of conflicts. I am not sure which conflict will start the war, but I think I will be somewhere in the Middle East since there is so much religious fervor and ethnic strife between the countries in that area. I think WWIII will consist of radically new tactics from the first two world wars. I'm not quite sure about what those tactics might be, but I think they will have something to do with machines fighting instead of humans. Also, the war will include a lot of new weaponry like smart bullets and more powerful bombs.

I think the main reason for other countries to join will be alliances and economic stability in the current crisis. Some countries will be drawn in by prior commitments while others will be drawn in for greed. Also, I think the side with Germany is going to lose since Germany tends to lose world wars. I think the net effects of WWIII will be light in human deaths but very heavy in costs. Also, the map of the world will be redrawn yet again and several new countries will form from the areas of the defeated countries.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

letter from D-day

Bravo Company
Normandy, France
June 21, 1945

Dear Jack,

I am so grateful for the chance to write this letter. So many others are no longer able to. Yesterday was the worst day of my life. I was so scared. It was worse than all of the paratrooper training I received in the US and my battle experience so far. I am part of the 23rd paratrooper division. Since my last letter, I have been in England. Yesterday at about midnight, we were awakened and loaded into C-47’s (our planes). At about 6:30am , we were over France. We were going to be dropped behind enemy lines. As we were flying, I saw hundreds and hundreds of planes and ships, each one fully loaded. The gear was heavy and I mean HEAVY, it weighed only fifty pounds less than I do. To pass the time while we were flying, we traded stories. One man said, the beach battle sites were chosen based on information from postcards sent to the army – we knew the French ports were too well defended and we didn’t have much information on the miles and miles of coast line. When I dropped, I was caught by a bad wind and was blown several miles off target. Our first objective was to make it to the ground alive, after that we were supposed to rondevu with our company. When I landed, I hadn’t a clue where I was and had no method of finding out.

No matter what I was told, I still think the only purpose of the paratroopers is to cause chaos. I stayed in the field where I landed for the night. In the morning, I saw a scout running down a road and used a clicker to signal him. When he signaled back, I knew he was a friend. He took me to his company, who were sheltering inside an abandoned barn. Sheltered me for the night and gave me food. Luckily, he knew where my company was. He gave me directions and I set off. When I got to my company, they were just carrying the wounded and dead from the last skirmish away. I hope you never see anything as horrible in your life.

We’ve been here for about two weeks now. I thought the food was bad back at base, the slop we’re eating now, makes standard meal-packs seem delicious. What I wouldn’t do for one of mom’s apple pies. I’m so glad you’re not old enough to be in this war. I think General Eisenhower is a good man and an excellent strategist, I just hope he has a good plan for getting us home. I wonder if he’ll ever run for president. Anyway, how are you, Mom, Fad, and Rover? Have you finished the tree house yet? Did dad finish repainting the house yet, or did he leave half the house one color and the other half another, again? Give Rover a scratch behind the ears for me. Hope you’re well,


PS: here's a picture:

Image source:

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Anne frank questions

Q. What would have influenced someone to become a collaborator in the holocaust? What factors would have encouraged someone to join the resistance? Do you think these factors were based on personal characteristics or political beliefs? How should accountability for wars be assigned? So many say they never understood what was happening. How likely could that have been?

A. I think major influences (to become a collaborator in the Holocaust) might have been fear and money. If people fear their own deaths or the deaths of people they care about, they might do things like turn in their neighbors or discriminate, even if they think it is the wrong thing to do. Also, some people have no personal code of ethics and might see being a collaborator as a way to make money. I think the biggest factor for someone to join the resistance would be a personal belief that discrimination is morally wrong regardless of the personal consequences of following that belief.
Accountability for wars needs to start with the decision makers and people in charge. Of course those who followed orders are also accountable, but in a different way. I think it is important to hold people accountable for their crimes, even if it doesn't happen for years later, like in

Probably some people didn't want to know all the details of what was happening during the holocaust. It may have been easier not to know or pretend not to know. Also, even a person did know the details, there was not a lot that person could do to change the situation in a big way.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

How to Make a World War

How to Make a World War (Recipe Version - II):


1 rotten, spoiled Treaty of Versailles

Several countries blended for no more than twenty years into a failed League of Nations

A handful of fascist leaders (Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Emperor Hirohito, and Benito Mussolini are recommended)

A loaf of Germany

A bowl of Britain

Two pounds of France

Ten teaspoons of Japan

A cup full of America

Two ounces of raw Russia


Start with Europe pre-shaped by WWI and an isolated America. Using the Treaty of Versailles, repeatedly pound the loaf of Germany until it is flattened. Then let a fascist leader rise to power (Adolf Hitler yields best results). Leave the League of Nations to muddle up its decisions and add a pinch of strife to keep it slowly simmering. Start to sprinkle powdered appeasements from France, Britain, and America onto the flattened Germany. The addition of the appeasement will allow Germany to expand into neighboring areas of Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, Czech Republic, and Switzerland. Secretly stir Germany and Russia away from the other ingredients. Let Greedy Germany bubble over too far into poor Poland. Now add Britain, France, and a bit of America might, but reserve some for later. Add Japan and Italy, and the other fanatical fascist leaders. Blunder Germany rapidly into Russia. Now mix Russia in with Britain. Push Japan into Pearl Harbor. Beware, this combination will be surprising explosive. Now stir in the full force and commitment of America . Mix well. Use tanks, blitzkriegs, air force, and telephones for extra flavor and destruction. Bake at high heat for six years. Warning - This recipe will take all of your attention and supplies so do not attempt other recipes at the same time.

The recipe was first attempted in 1939 and over 60 million people died from eating World War II when it was completed in 1945.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Animal Farm movie review

Of the part of the movie that I saw, the movie was vastly different than the book. For instance, in the movie, farmer Jones is excluded from the battle of the windmill by the other farmers and wants on his own to destroy the windmill and apparently died in the explosion. In the book, the plot is nothing like this. Also at the end of the movie, the animals all revolt against the pigs. This shares no correlation to either the book or the Russian revolution. I think that this was added because it was an animated movie, but I also think it defeats the entire point of the movie. Overall, the movie was 'not bad but not great' whereas the book was quite good.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Animal farm comparison

Of the animals in animal farm, I think I am most like old major. I think this because I often have ideas that other people either don't understand or misinterpret. Also I am reasonably well respected. I also sometimes discuss philosophy with other people. And finally, I plan to die naturally.