Monday, February 23, 2009


I think that WWIII will break out during my lifetime. I think this will happen because the only major thing preventing war is the UN. I think the UN will not be able to stop a world war if it does break out because I think the war will start similarly to WWI, when a moderately sized conflict gets support from one side and the other, and the UN hasn't been able to stop a lot of conflicts. I am not sure which conflict will start the war, but I think I will be somewhere in the Middle East since there is so much religious fervor and ethnic strife between the countries in that area. I think WWIII will consist of radically new tactics from the first two world wars. I'm not quite sure about what those tactics might be, but I think they will have something to do with machines fighting instead of humans. Also, the war will include a lot of new weaponry like smart bullets and more powerful bombs.

I think the main reason for other countries to join will be alliances and economic stability in the current crisis. Some countries will be drawn in by prior commitments while others will be drawn in for greed. Also, I think the side with Germany is going to lose since Germany tends to lose world wars. I think the net effects of WWIII will be light in human deaths but very heavy in costs. Also, the map of the world will be redrawn yet again and several new countries will form from the areas of the defeated countries.