Sunday, August 24, 2008

cottage industries vs factories

When the class all made 'toys' separately, modeling cottage industries, they all worked quietly, and all made good quality 'toys'. Everyone made one, so together, so not that many were made, but all of them were high quality.
When we all worked in a ‘factory’, everyone was yelling at each other, people were doing various tasks, everyone hated the manager (Shri), Lucas and Nat got fired, several people had tape over their mouths to keep them from talking….Even though there was a state of general chaos, we go about twice as many ‘toys’ done as before, but several of them barely resembled the original. I can see why people interested in profits would chose a factory, and why no one would want to work there.
In comparison, several people making similar products in cottage industries could produce a small amount of high quality products, while the same number of people in a factory, could make several times as many, inferior products, make less money, and have worse working conditions for the same amount of time. The factory is good for investors who just focus on revenue. A cottage industry is better for a worker who wants fair wages, job satisfaction (OK working conditions), and reasonable work.